How Did The Nazis Massacre Millions Of Jews, Gypsies And The Disabled?
What Was The Secret Agreement Between
Nazism And Radical Zionism?
Since Zionism, Judaism and the Holocaust have been the subjects of countless debates, it will be useful, first, to clarify some fundamental principles. The rest of the book must be understood and viewed within the framework of the points made in this foreword. The Truth Behind the Holocaust Considering the dimensions of the genocide and cruelty inflicted by the Nazis on the Jews and other nations during World War II, we need to make it quite clear that we totally oppose all forms of cruelty, torture and genocide, regardless of religion, race or ethnic origin. We totally denounce the slightest unjust attack on the Jews or any other nation. This is required by the moral values God commands humanity in the Qur'an, which condemns all those who commit evil, inflict cruelty on others or unjustly take life in this world. As the Qur'an reveals to us, "if someone kills another person—unless it is in retaliation for someone else or for causing corruption in the Earth—it is as if he had murdered all mankind." (Qur'an, 5:32) Committing murder is forbidden to all humanity. Our Lord has revealed that the murder of even one single innocent, therefore, is a crime equivalent to the murder of all people. During Word War II and the years leading up to it, many Jews were subjected to great barbarity and slaughter. We unreservedly condemn the killings and oppression of these Jews and other innocent people by the Nazis, or anyone else. There can be absolutely no justification for the cruelty inflicted on the tens of millions who lost their lives in World War II (be they German, Russian, British, French, Japanese, Chinese, Gypsies, Croats, Poles, Berbers, Serbs, Arabs, Bosnians or of any other nationalities). Historians estimate that before and during the war, the Nazis killed some 29 million civilians in concentration camps, ghettoes, military murders and political assassinations. Of the two important subjects covered in this book, one is that Nazi Germany engaged in secret cooperation with some of the founders of the state of Israel. Many may find that quite shocking, but historical facts show that the founders of Israel—some Zionists, in other words—at one time embarked on close cooperation with Nazi Germany, reasoning that Nazi pressure would be an excellent motive for European Jews to migrate to Palestine. Economically and politically, they supported the Nazi empire that was to inflict such terrible savagery on people of their own and many other nations, even applauding the Nazis' racist policies.
This matter is important, because from World War II right up to the present day, the tragic barbarity that the Nazis inflicted on the Jews has been used as a political tool. Certain elements within the state of Israel, in order to justify the State's own policies of occupation and terror and to silence the criticism directed at it, continually hide behind the concept of "the Holocaust." Indeed, the founding of Israel was made possible to a large extent thanks to international support and sympathy inspired by that specter of genocide. Another matter this book shall consider is the fact that the Nazi's policy of extermination was aimed not just at Jews, but also at such other ethnic, religious and social groups as Gypsies, Poles, Slavs, devout Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses, and the physically and mentally handicapped. Certainly the Jewish people, of whom 5.5 million died in concentration camps, were the worst victims of the Nazi barbarity. Yet the total who lost their lives in the camps was more than 11 million, and more than half of them were members of the groups listed above. The genocide inflicted on them needs to be remembered equally as that inflicted on the Jews. To portray Nazi barbarity as aimed solely at the Jews is part of the effort to turn the Holocaust into a political tool, as mentioned earlier, and is very wrong. The Status of the People of the Book in the Qur'an Throughout this book we shall be discussing the cruelty inflicted on the Jews, and how some Jews maintained a secret relationship with the Nazis, architects of that oppression. In order to eliminate certain prejudices and misunderstandings, therefore, it will be useful to clarify how we Muslims view Jews and Judaism and to remove any suspicion of anti-Semitism—which inevitably comes to mind whenever such issues are raised for discussion.
In one verse, God reveals that people must not be judged according to their race, color or ethnic origin, but rather by their morality:
The expression "so that you might come to know each other" reveals God's wisdom in creating different races and ethnic origins: Different tribes or nations, all of whom are God's servants, must get to know one another—in other words, learn about each other's different cultures, languages, customs and abilities. One of the intentions behind the existence of different races and nations is cultural richness, not war or conflict. The morality commanded in that verse and elsewhere in the Qur'an make it absolutely clear that a Muslim must not engage in racism or judge people by their race. For that reason, it is completely out of the question for Muslims to harbor negative feelings about Jews or any other race, simply because of their ethnic origins. Turning to consider the religion that the Jews follow, we encounter another very important truth revealed in the Qur'an: Jews and Christians are referred to as "People of the Book" and as such, are closer to Muslims than are atheists or pagans. No matter how distorted the Old and the New Testaments have been, leading both Jews and Christians into some false beliefs and practices, at the end of the day they all believe in God and His unity. And all submit to His commandments. The Qur'an draws an important distinction between the People of the Book and idolaters, particularly in terms of social life. One verse, for example, describes the latter in these terms: "… the idolaters are unclean, so after this year they should not come near the Masjid al-Haram…" (Qur'an, 9:28) That is because idolaters recognize no divine law, possess no moral criteria, and can engage unhesitatingly in all forms of wickedness and perversion. The People of the Book, however, possess certain moral criteria based on God's revelation, as well as concepts of what is lawful and what is forbidden. That is why it's lawful for Muslims to eat food prepared by the People of the Book. In the same way, Muslim men are permitted to marry women from the People of the Book. In the relevant verse, God says:
These rules show that marriage and the resulting ties of kinship can be established between Muslims and the People of the Book. Each can accept the other's invitations to dine, all of which allow the establishment of warm human relations and a peacefully shared life. Since the Qur'an recommends such moderation and understanding, it is out of the question for us Muslims to hold ideas in conflict with that viewpoint.
Moreover, the Qur'an describes the places where the People of the Book worship as being under God's protection:
This verse shows that all Muslims must behave respectfully towards the places of worship of the People of the Book, as well as protecting them. Indeed, when one reviews the history of Islam, it is striking that Muslim societies have always treated the People of the Book with moderation and understanding. That was particularly evident in the Ottoman Empire, from which today's Turkey is descended. It is well known that the Jews were expelled from Catholic Spain, but found the right to live peacefully in Ottoman lands. When Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror (Mehmed II) captured Constantinople, he allowed Jews and Christians to live there freely. Throughout Ottoman history, the Jews were regarded as a People of the Book and allowed to live in peace. Neither the practices of Inquisition stemming from bigotry, nor anti-Semitism born out of racist ideas—both of which have blackened European history—ever appeared in the Islamic world. The 20th-century conflict between Jews and Muslims in the Middle East arose only when some Jews turned to the racist ideology of radical Zionism, which is not compatible with religious morals, and for which Muslims are in no way responsible. In conclusion, it is absolutely out of the question for us Muslims, who think along the commandments of the Qur'an, to feel any hostility towards the Jews because of their religion or beliefs. The Dark Roots of Anti-Semitism The ideology known as anti-Semitism is a pagan teaching that no Muslim could possibly adopt. To realize that, we need to examine the roots of anti-Semitism. The term is generally understood to mean "hatred of Jews," though it really means "hatred of the Semites"—in other words, of all Semitic peoples: Arabs, Jews and some other Middle Eastern ethnic groups. There are close similarities between Semitic cultures and languages. For example, Arabic and Hebrew closely resemble one another.
The second great linguistic and racial group that has influenced world history is the Indo-European, including most of the nations in present-day Europe.
Prophets have come to all these different civilizations and societies to tell them about the existence and oneness of God and His commands. From the written record, however, we see that Indo-European nations have held pagan beliefs since very ancient times. The Greek and Roman civilizations, the barbarian German tribes and the Vikings who lived in northern Europe at around the same time, all held polytheistic pagan beliefs. That explains why those societies were devoid of any moral criteria. They regarded violence and savagery as justified and praiseworthy, and widely engaged in immoral practices such as homosexuality and adultery. (We must never forget that the Roman Empire, widely regarded as the most advanced of the Indo-European civilizations, was a savage society in which human beings were tortured and torn apart in the arenas for public entertainment.) These pagan tribes dominating Europe came to believe in one God only under the influence of Jesus (pbuh) who was sent down as a prophet to the Semites and the children of Israel. He himself was racially and linguistically a Jew. His message gradually spread over Europe, and one by one, formerly pagan tribes came to accept Christianity. (We should make it clear that at this point, Christianity had been corrupted, and included in its teachings was the twisted idea of the Trinity). In the 18th and 19th centuries, however, Christianity weakened throughout Europe. Along with the growing strength of ideologies and philosophies that supported atheism, a peculiar movement was born: Neo-paganism. That movement's leaders maintained that European societies needed to reject Christianity and revert to their ancient pagan beliefs. According to the neo-pagans, the ethical understanding of the pagan European societies was superior to that which emerged later, after they turned to Christianity. One of the main representatives of that trend, and also one of the principal theoreticians of fascism, was Friedrich Nietzsche. Implacably hostile to Christianity, he believed that this religion had destroyed the warrior spirit of the German race and therefore, its so-called "noble essence." He attacked Christianity in his book The Antichrist and glorified ancient pagan philosophy in Thus Spake Zarathustra. (Zoroastrianism, widespread in ancient Persia, was one of the pagan religions of Indo-European culture).
The neo-pagans also harbored great hatred for Judaism, which they regarded as the basic root of Christianity, which they considered a "Jewish conspiracy" and even described as "the world being conquered by the Jewish idea." (Without question, the neo-pagans also hated Islam, the sole true religion, in much the same way.) This neo-pagan movement fanned the flames of anti-religious hatred and also gave birth to the ideologies of fascism and anti-Semitism. Examining the foundations of Nazi ideology in particular, it is quite clear that Hitler and his partisans were pagans in the true sense of the word. Nazism: 20th-Century Paganism
In the development of Nazi ideology, one of the most important roles was played by Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels, a devoted believer in neo-paganism. He was the first to discover the swastika from ancient pagan sources which later became the symbol of the Nazi Party, and to actually use it. The Ordo Novi Templi organization that he established dedicated itself entirely to a rebirth of paganism. Lanz declared that he openly worshipped Wotan, one of the false deities of the old German pagan tribes. Wotanism, in his view, was the German people's natural religion, and the Germans could be saved only by returning to it.
Nazi ideology developed along the lines opened up by Lanz and similar neo-pagan ideologues. Alfred Rosenberg, the foremost of the Nazi ideologues, openly maintained that Christianity couldn't provide spiritual energy for the new Germany being established under Hitler's leadership, which was why the German race needed to return to the old, pagan religion. In Rosenberg's view, when the Nazis came to power, the religious symbols in churches would have to be removed, to be replaced by copies of Hitler's book Mein Kampf (My Struggle), and swastikas and swords representing German invincibility. Hitler was influenced by Rosenberg's views, but didn't put the theory of the new German religion into practice because he feared there would be a huge social protest.1 Even so, a number of neo-pagan measures were put into practice during the Nazi regime. A short while after Hitler came to power, Christian holy days and festivals began to be abolished and replaced by pagan alternatives. During wedding services, vows were taken to imaginary deities such as "Mother Earth" or "Father Sky." In 1935, schools were forbidden to allow students to recite Christian prayers. Then lessons in Christianity were completely banned. SS chief Heinrich Himmler stated the Nazi regime's hatred of Christianity: "This religion is the most terrible pestilence the world has ever seen. It needs to be treated accordingly."2 These words are expressions indicative of Himmler's and the Nazi mentality's ignorance and irrationality. And they are unacceptable. The Nazis' enmity for the Jews was thus part and parcel of these anti-religious ideologies. Regarding Christianity as a "Jewish conspiracy," the Nazis tried to divorce German society from Christianity on the one hand, and on the other encouraged Jews to leave Germany by putting various forms of pressure on them and organizing street attacks. (At this point was born the alliance between radical Zionism and Nazism, as shall be discussed in some detail in Chapter 2). When we examine the various neo-Nazi and fascist groups in the vanguard of anti-Semitism today, we see that almost all possess an anti-religious ideology and employ slogans based on pagan concepts. The Darwinist Roots of Nazism Another revealing point was the way the Nazi worldview took Darwin's theory of evolution as its intellectual basis. When putting forward his theory, Charles Darwin had claimed that there was a constant fight for survival in nature, and that some races were especially favored in the fight, while others were doomed to lose and be "eliminated." As one might expect, these views soon came to represent the scientific foundation of racism. James Joll, who spent long years as a professor of international history at Oxford, Stanford and Harvard University, describes the ideological link between Darwinism and racism in his book Europe Since 1870: An International History, which is still used as a college textbook:
Hitler's devotion to the ideas of Darwin appeared in the title of his own book, Mein Kampf. The struggle in question was, of course, the fight for survival proposed by Darwin.
Hitler's, and thus the Nazis', ideological devotion to Darwinism was implemented in their policies after coming to power. The Nazis' racial policies, known as "eugenics," represented the theory of evolution as applied to society. Eugenics refers to the weeding out of the sick and handicapped, and the "improvement" of the human race by increasing the number of healthy individuals. According to the theory of eugenics, a race can be improved in the same way that better breeds of animal are formed by the mating of healthy individuals. The theory was proposed by Charles Darwin's cousin Francis Galton and his son, Leonard Darwin. The first person to adopt and spread the theory in Germany was the evolutionist biologist Ernst Haeckel, a close friend and supporter of Darwin. He recommended that handicapped babies should be killed at birth, to accelerate the so-called evolution of society. He actually went even further, and maintained that lepers, cancer patients and the mentally handicapped should also be ruthlessly killed, or else such people would burden society and slow down the process of evolution. Haeckel died in 1919, but his ideas were bequeathed to the Nazis. Shortly after seizing power, Hitler embarked on an official program of eugenics. His words in Mein Kampf summed up this new policy:
As a result of Hitler's philosophy, the Nazis rounded up the mentally ill, the crippled, the congenitally blind and those suffering from inherited diseases and sent them to special "sterilization centers." Under a law passed in 1933, 350,000 mentally ill people, 30,000 gypsies and hundreds of colored children were sterilized by means of castration, x-rays, injections or electric shocks to the genitals. As one Nazi officer put it, "National Socialism is simply applied biology."5 What the Nazis considered "applied biology" was actually Darwin's theory of evolution, itself a violation of the basic laws of biology. It has since been clearly shown that the theory of eugenics and other Darwinist claims are absolutely devoid of any scientific foundation. Finally, we must emphasize that the Nazis' attachment to evolutionary theory was connected to their hostility to religion as well as to racist policies. As we have already seen, the Nazis bore a great hatred for divine religions. Intending to replace them with pagan beliefs, they sought to carry out anti-religious propaganda and brainwashing and realized that Darwinism was the most effective means of doing so. Daniel Gasman's The Scientific Origins of National Socialism confirms this: "Hitler stressed and singled out the idea of biological evolution as the most foremost weapon against traditional religion…"6 These same anti-religious and Darwinist ideologies underlay the Nazis' despotic ruthlessness. The Morality of the Qur'an Eliminates Anti-Semitism and All Forms of Racism From what we have seen so far, the conclusion that emerges is this: Anti-Semitism is actually an anti-religious and Darwinist ideology, whose roots go back to neo-paganism. For that reason, it is unthinkable for any Muslim to support or feel sympathy for that ideology. An anti-Semite is also an enemy of the prophets Abraham, Moses and David (peace be upon them all), blessed people chosen by God and sent down as messengers to mankind.
In just the same way, other forms of racism (such as prejudice against blacks and other races) are also perversions stemming from various ideologies and false beliefs that have nothing to do with divine religions. Examining anti-Semitism and other forms of racism, it clearly emerges how these advocate ideas and social models diametrically opposed to the morality of the Qur'an. At the root of anti-Semitism, for example, lie feelings of hatred, violence and ruthlessness. (That is why anti-Semites have imitated the pagan religions of ancient barbarian tribes.) An anti-Semite can even go so far as to defend the slaughter of Jews, making no allowance for women, children or the elderly. The morality of the Qur'an, however, teaches love, affection and compassion. It instructs Muslims to be just and forgiving, even to their enemies. On the other hand, anti-Semites and other racists are unwilling to live in peace with people of different ethnic origins or beliefs. (For instance, the racist Nazi Germans and some Zionists—their Jewish counterparts—opposed the idea of Germans and Jews living in close proximity, because each side believed that would lead to a degeneration of its own people.) The Qur'an, however, encourages people of different beliefs to live together in peace and security within the same social structure, in the same way that it allows no discrimination between races.
The morality God commands in the Qur'an makes no generalized judgments on the grounds of race, nation or religion. Every society has its good and bad members. This applies to the People of the Book too. After explaining that some of the People of the Book rebel against God and religion, the verse goes on to state that among them, there are also the sincerely devout:
The Qur'an commands to make no distinction, not even against those who do not believe and refuse to recognize God and religion, and states that those who display no hostility to religion should be treated well:
It is commanded that even the enemies of Muslims should enjoy their sense of justice :
Once again, all these verses show that it is totally incompatible with Islamic morality to harbor hatred, anger, or aggression towards Jews or any other people, solely on account of their beliefs and race. Since the Jews are descended from the line of Abraham (pbuh), there is absolutely no question of Islamic morality ever permitting any attempt at the elimination of Abraham's (pbuh) line. This is a most repellent and sinful course of action. Like all Muslims who abide by Qur'anic moral values and the Sunnah, the teachings of our Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace), it is impossible for us to accept such a repugnant action or regard it as in any way justified. Conclusion As we have seen, the morality of the Qur'an eliminates all forms of racism. Therefore a Muslim who abides by the Qur'an can never engage in racism, and never despise others because they belong to a particular race. The Qur'an commands that other religions be treated in a very moderate and friendly manner, as long as they do not behave in a manner hostile to Muslims and Islam. That is why a Muslim who abides by the Qur'an must behave in a kind and friendly manner to members of other religions, particularly the People of the Book. Racist ideologies like Nazism and anti-Semitic philosophies, whose roots go back ancient pagan cultures, are perverted teachings that have absolutely no place in religion. For any Muslim to give such teachings any respect at all is of course out of the question. Our perspective on the subjects of Judaism and Holocaust depends on those fundamental criteria. Indeed, this book has been prepared in strict accordance with those criteria. The following chapters unreservedly criticize the Nazis' oppression of the German Jews, but they also explain how the view shared by Nazis and some racist Zionists that "different races must not intermix" is completely wrong, and defend the concept of different races, ethnic origins and beliefs living together. Our wish is to see racist, anti-Semitic movements like Nazism, and ideologies that engage in racism in the name of any ethnic group, such as radical Zionism, all disappear, making way for the establishment of a world order based on justice, in which all races and beliefs can live in peace. A Brief Statement Regarding Zionism Around the middle of the 19th century, Zionism emerged as a movement maintaining that the scattered Jewish people should have a homeland all their own. Like many ideologies, however, Zionism became corrupted over the course of time. Its justified demand turned into a radical conception that in practice resorted to violence and terror, and aligned itself with extremist forces. Radical Zionism is a racist, chauvinistic and expansionist ideology, inspired by such movements as Social Darwinism, all of which are incompatible with religious moral values. This book does not criticize patriotic Jews' justified behavior and demands, but rather the mindset and practices of certain radical and racist Zionists. Indeed, the radicals in question and some Zionists who allied themselves with the Nazis failed to see the perilous consequences to which such cooperation might lead. In the present day, moreover, many pro-peace Israeli citizens, devout Jews, and considerable numbers of Jews in other countries of the world (even moderate Zionists) oppose radical Zionism, and fiercely condemn racist assertions from that ideology that are incompatible with religious moral values. In contrast to the propaganda disseminated in the early days, certain circles transformed Zionism into a movement that supported violence and threatened peace and security. Historical experience proved that radical Zionism led to Jews, as well as Arabs, suffering serious losses. History shows that so long as radical Zionist ideology is not renounced, the Jews—and therefore their neighbors and the entire region—can never enjoy peace. To avoid any repetition of painful experiences from the past; to attain a lasting peace in the Middle East; and for Jews and Arabs to live in peace and security in their own lands will be possible only if both sides abandon all forms of radical tendencies and turn towards true religious moral values. Our hope is that the facts set out in this book will encourage a major step in that direction. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 Michael Howard, The Occult Conspiracy: The Secret History of Mystics, Templars, Masons and Occult Societies, 1st ed., London: Rider, 1989, p. 130.
2 Herbert F. Ziegler, Nazi Germany's New Aristocracy: The SS Leadership 1925-1939, Princeton, New Jersey, University Press, 1989, p. 85.
3 James Joll, Europe Since 1870: An International History, Penguin Books, Middlesex, 1990, pp. 102-103.
4 Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf (My Struggle), München: Verlag Franz Eher Nachfolger, 1993, pp. 44, 447-448.
5 Henry Morris, The Long War Against God, 78; Francis Schaeffer, How Shall We Then Live?, New Jersey, Revell Books, Old Tappan, 1976, p. 151.
6 Daniel Gasman, The Scientific Origins of National Socialism: Social Darwinism in Earnest Haeckel and the German Monist League, New York: American Elsevier Press, 1971, p. 168.
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One or a million, murder is murder and equals a holocaust of evil killing before God and is forbidden by Him always.